Sunday, March 22, 2009

my boyfriend

is named blake richards
loves the color green
loves to ski
hurts himself a lot
likes the cold
is very strong
wants to be a firefighter
has a bubble butt
doesn't like dogs
has many scars
has a third nipple
is handsome
i love him


Jess N Josh Brown said...

well I like this post! and a few things run in the fam- bubble butt-check, hate dogs-check and im pretty strong too! Ha ha ha- hope you are doing good. I am very jealous you get to see my family all the time! Give them loves for me! xoxo

Jennie Holt said...

third nipple?? WTF???

Ashley said...

im going with jennie on the wtf third nipple thing

Meagan said...

....BOGUS BASIN! Love it!